Friday 13 September 2024

The halal certification issue. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No.15. Watch for part 2.

1. There seems to be a deep state in the cyber social media. The UMNO way of thinking media operatives have penetrated deep in social media reporting.

2. By a deep state, we mean the ever lurking presence of media operatives, colluding with media owners who are determined to amplify and embellish sensitive issues .

3. Their purpose is always to create mistrust, friction and antagonism among the various races in Malaysia. They won't rest until the dominant race overwhelms the other races. In other words, other races must acknowledge that the malays are the master race. Everything they want must be enforced fully.

4. Hence the recent uncouth and uncivilized response by the maniacal UMNO youth head , was seized as an opportunity to create mistrust and suspicion between chiefly, Malays an Chinese.

5. We have not been paying attention or largely ignored these elements of the 5th estate, operating through the social media, purveying their havoc creating and malicious viewpoints.

6. The presence of these racist and bigoted groupings with outlier viewpoints cannot be underestimated. Their viewpoints have slowly become mainstream.

7. Their purpose is to sow seeds of dissension, mistrust and suspicions on non malays. They create strife, pit one race against one another

8. Without many realising it,that's the UMNO way of thinking. Always furthering the master-slave social structure.

9. So beware of this insidious groupings of just-reached puberty holders of outlier viewpoints. Their main purpose is to create strife within our society .

10. So, the retort by cincalok eating maniacal UMNO youth head is given much prominence and sense of chest thumping triumphalism.

11. You can't help , but sense a tone of triumphalism when akmal says nyonya tua and paste a non halal certificate on Teresa's forehead .

12. Well, the joke's on you, Herr oberst akmal. It reflects your bigotism, racism and perennial animosity and antagonism towards non malays. And sadly your upbringing.

13. He's certainly not the person that malays want to be represented by. Non malays abhor him. But don't expect the not so bright wak47 to realise this. He's just thinking that akmal is a useful idiot to apply pressure on Nana Non.

14. I look at the halal certification issue a little differently. Here's my thinking.

15. Long time ago, Sukarno said that give the average Indonesian a set of unform, he thinks he has unbridled authority and gets big headed. The same could be said of the malays

16. Giving a license to JAKIM people is like giving a uniform to the average Malay. He thinks he has unbridled authority and gets big headed. Especially giving a uniform to skulled cap mofos

17. Giving sole authority to JAKIM can open the floodgates to corruption abuse of power and all sort of wrongdoings to these guardians of our belly .

18. Don't give us the BS saying that because these people are malays and soldiers of God, they won't do these shenanigans. Remember, Kalau tak makan suap bukan melayu dan yang kuat makan suap sekali ialah orang UMNO,!

19. The JAKIM officers may ask for under the counter money or some other forms of gratification.

20. Let me ' story you'. Long time ago, when I was an UMNO adun , I came across a typical case involving a Malay Kuantan city council official .

21. A single mother applied for a stall from the Kuantan city council. The officer said he will support her application. By the way, said the officer. I am going for a kursus in genting. Will you accompany me?

22. How would you know if some JAKIM officers will not do something similar as a condition to get a halal certificate?

23. Giving a JAKIM officer without having safeguards or some others watching over him is a sure recipe for some wrong doings.

24. We just don't trust these divinely inspired goons looking out for Islamic interests, including halalising the F&B industry. Almost always, those who claim to look out for Islamic interests are the ones violating them . Look at those looking out for TH. TH is now in dire straits . The same could happen to JAKIM.

25. Let's be clear. The management of Islamic affairs is the sole prerogative of the Muslims. Non Muslims cannot absolutely interfere in its affairs.

26. Not unless it infringes on the rights of non Muslims . The recent ' interference 'of Teresa kok must be seen in this perspective.

27. By her own admission, voicing reservations about the halal certification issue is not interfering in Islam. We have no reasons to disbelieve her, unless we can prove otherwise - in court. Not within Akmal's mentally challenged audience.

28. Having removed this issue, let's examine the motives of the halal certification by JAKIM.

29 . Even as Muslims, we have reasons to suspect and doubt anything done by JAKIM. Didn't the public saw JAKIM complicit in the meat scandal at one time. Weren't there meat cartels selling off kangaroo and horse meat to Muslims and other consumers?

30. Either JAKIM didn't know about it because it's officers were busy playing with their dicks or JAKIM has earlier on practised its own DNAA-do nothing at all.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Sakmongkol the unknown blogger

1. From henceforth, I shall be known as sakmongkol the blogger. No more the AK47 suffix. There are a few reasons for this change.

2. The AK47 is a gun. It symbolizes violence. I disavow any forms of physical violence. Especially in the transfer of political power. It should be done as permitted by democracy. Through elections. So, out with violence. Power does not grow out of the barrel of the gun .

3. It may sound comical. 47 is the number of charges proffered against the Japanese neanderthal. I vehemently protest the DNAA- do nothing at all. It's mathematically and statistically impossible for some of the charges not to stick. The judiciary and the AGC have a warped sense of mathematics.

4. Therefore I do not want to be associated with the suffix 47 in any way. That's it.

5. So I humbly ask readers to adjust to the new blog name. I shall continue to write in the same style. As a matter of factly and in your face style. Or in the words of Tan Chee Koon, without fear or favour.

Sunday 8 September 2024

Blackrock and MAHB. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 14.

  1. As an economist, I looked at the black rock-MAHB issue differently. In my mind, black rock shouldn't be faulted for planning or deciding to purchase equity from MAHB.
  2. From the perspective of politics, there has been a universal condemnation on black rocks planned or consummated purchase of equity in MAHB
  3. Bloggers, vbloggers, politicians have written extensively on this issue.
  4. For instance, the blogger, finance tweeter has written an exhaustive and well researched article on black rock. Readers are recommended to read that article. Hishamuddin Rais, a man whom I admired since his UMSU days, have spoken many times on this issue.
  5. Politicians of various shades spoke on this. Dr Mahathir the Great has spoken on this .
  6. Almost all are united in their condemnation of BR's purchase. Perhaps justifiably so because of BR's umbilical links to Israel. For various reasons including security .
  7. Umno is understandably quiet on this issue. Either it doesn't know or because it worships money especially if the money is gotten free or secured through the Najib method. Or unless the buyer is KK Mart.
  8. I cannot add any more to these persuasive arguments. I am a 'samdol' from this political perspective.
  9. The UMNO and Dr Mahathir s prescription on the MAHB problem is predictable. MAHB should go to Putrajaya , bowl in hand as money from the government to bail it out. That's the UMNO and Dr Mahathir way out .
  10. This is where the economist in me disagree with TEM. I will ask the following questions.
  11. The basic question is this. Why is it necessary for MAHB to sell an arm and a leg? Why why?
  12. To me that means MAHB is a losing concern, a badly and improperly run business.
  13. If it lost money because it was badly managed and improperly run, then it deserved to gobroke. If MAHB had gone to Putrajaya and asked nana non to have it bailed out, that would have been unconscionable
  14. That would be asking taxpayers to pay for the reasons that caused MAHB to lose money in the first place. Tiu sama lu!
  15. As an aside, all government owned companies which lose money shouldn't be allowed to see the finance minister alone. They must appear before a parliamentary financial aid committee to justify their request. The committee must then have the request debated in parliament.
  16. You cibais, don't think it's that easy to fleece taxpayers money. By the way, what happened to sapura energy? Has the government bailed them out on the quiet? News about it have been hushed hushed .
  17. It's a consolation that MAHB didn't go to Putrajaya and asked nana non to bail it out. Or if did go to putrajaya, the government showed them their 2 fingers .
  18. MAHB was incorporated as a private limited company. It's a profit centre, if it makes losses , it deserves to die as per free Enterprise system.
  19. MAHB did the next best thing. Go into the market to find parties to buy up equity in MAHB. The found a buyer by the name of black rock.
  20. You want money don't u? So why does it matter if black rock has got Israeli pedigree? If you are not happy, ask the 10 richest Malaysian companies to buy up 30-40% equity in MAHB. Out of Uber patriotic reasons.
  21. Any incoming investor will want most of the old management team members in MAHB removed, because they were the ones who caused MAHB to lose money in the first place. That would be the right thing to do, what?
  22. The Mahathir and the UMNO way of solving the MAHB issue is to have the government bail out MAHB. The media would be screaming, bail it out, it's a bumiputera operated outfit.
  23. I don't think the same vigor and agitations would accompany MAHB if it were a company run by Mr poh kee mak or Mr tong Sam pah.
  24. I am a Malay too. But I don't suffer nor do I subscribe to the 'melayu Uber alles' mentality .
  25. Which is, that the CEO and most of MAHB's management team must mandatorily be malays. If they are no good and competent, they ought to be replaced by other abler and competent malays or even better non Malay Malaysians.
  26. Our priority is MAHB not being trapped by the ethnicity claptrap. We, after all don't care whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice .
  27. Why do I not care at all if the CEO is not a Malay? Because having a Malay as CEO is no sure recipe for success. He doesn't bring with him a sure guarantee of success more so if he is incompetent.
  28. I am fed up of the racial stereotyping, very vigorous when describing non malays, but deliberately leaving out the stereotype description of the malays.
  29. The full stereotype phrases should read:- kalau tak membelit bukan India, Klau tak menipu bukan cina, kalau tak rasuah bukan melayu , melayu yang paling rasuah ialah UMNO. Instead of limiting the stereotype description to non malays only .
  30. The UMNO and the Mahathir solution to the MAHB issue is predictable. The government MUST bail out MAHB because it's run and operated by bumiputeras, albeit incompetent ones.
  31. Prompted by the ' melayu Uber alles' mentality, some people insist that old bumiputera management be retained, refusing to acknowledge that this team was responsible for MAHB's loss in the 1st place.
  32. Or if they are replaced, they are replaced by the same privileged and incompetent mofos . Not by abler people
  33. Following the old way, the outcome is inevitable. The business will be run by incompetent fools and be mired in corruption. Remember the steriotypical description? Kalau bukan rasuah bukan melayu
  34. It's not always good to be always proud of your ethnic lineage! A little humbing and reality check is always in order. What is the word usually used by apologetic liberals? Ah yes, muhasabbah diri!
  35. We have to swallow the bitter pill. Whenever a government owned business is led by a Malay hegemonic group, imbued with melayu Uber alles mentality, the business will usually fail. Look at MAS, felda, tabung Haji, felcra, risda, LTAT etc .
  36. It has come to the point of incredulity hasn't it? MAHB has a monopoly over its business and yet it failed . It's forced to sell it's equity to raise capital. That reveals a lot about it's top management and MAHB. Its top management is incompetent and MAHB is poorly run.
  37. The elements constituting its stature as a poorly run company are possibly many. Incompetent top management, profligate spending ( MAHB could have its own panamera brigade) bad investments and hear this, rampant corruption. At the back of top management's mind, it's spend baby spend. Not enough can always ask nana non.
  38. Let's not be maniacally vociferous about black rock , let's also be the same about the causes forcing MAHB to sell its equity.
  39. In the end , if you don't manage money, manpower, business strategies, you will be forced to sell your Birkin handbag .