Friday 31 March 2017

Ada hati tidak mahu faham, ada telinga tidak mahu dengar, ada mata tidak mahu lihat- bahagian 2

Bahagian 2.

Kita tidak mahulah berkata- kan saya dah beritahu? Masaalah nya, ramai sangat pemimpin PAS melupakan karakter Najib yang sebenar. Mungkin kerana ramai pemimpin mereka di gula2kan oleh pegawai2 Najib.
Mungkin ada kebenaran bahawa pemimpin PAS menerima RM90 juta atau lebih. Wang dalam tangan tidak tahu ianya berada dalam tangan tok lebai, ustaz, ketua geng 04, ayahanda bonda dan sebagainya.
Ada yang melawat keluar negara- berlibur di Afrika Selatan dan Eropah. Sekelip mata ada wang yang banyak dan boleh beli kereta yang harga hampir RM600 ribu dengan tunai. Ada yang menikmati keseronokan hidup sekular diluar negara. Mereka lupa kepada kerendahan diri dan kabur untuk melihat karakter Najib yang sebenar.
Bukan nya karakter yang dicipta secara artifisial oleh pegawai2 hubungan awam nya- sama ada mantan pegawai TV3 atau PR consultants dari Eropoh atau USA. Pemimpin PAS sepatutnya mengkaji karakter Najib dari sejarah nya.
Sekarang bila Najib terang2 menyatakan tidak membentang dan tidak menyokong usul RUU355, beranikan sesiapa dalam PAS mengatakan Najib terkeluar agama, tergelincir aqidah, dan bila mati kelak, dikebumikan di jirat Cina? Istiharkah lah, semua hendak dengar. 
Malah, sebagai reaksi menyelamatkan air muka, ustaz Nik Abduh kata dia faham kedudukan PM.
Saya sudah beritahu- yang memberi title tuan guru, tok guru, murrabbi adalah mereka sendiri dan sesama mereka. Gelaran dan title berjela dan hebat, tapi akal tidak sama panjang dan bijak.
Sejak 2009 menjadi PM, karakter Najib yang sebenar terserlah. Dari teriakan bahawa zaman kerajaan besar sudah berlalu, Najib menunjukkan bahawa dia semakin draconian dan diktator. Undang2 yang menzalimi rakyat biasa seperti POCA, POTA, SOSMA dan mutakhir sekali National Security Council Act di ujudkan oleh Najib untuk menekan rakyat.Tidak seorang pun pemimpin PAS bercakap mengenai penangkapan dan pemenjaraan Siti Noor Aishah dibawah akta2 ini.
Dalam tahun 2012, Najib menyenaraikan FGV yang bermaksud merampas asset dari FELDA dan peneroka. Nasib peneroka terumbang ambing kerana asset tangible mereka seperti tanah dan kilang, jentera ditukar kepada saham yang intangible. Nasib peneroka diperjudikan dalam pasaran saham.
Ianya menunjukkan Najib cuai menjaga nasib peneroka. Skendel 1MDB menunjukkan bahawa Najib seorang yang menggunakan kuasa untuk mencuri wang, menipu dan berbohong dan tidak amanah, tidak jujur. Duit RM4 billon dari KWAP lesap. Projek2 di jalankan dengan harga yang di inflasikan berlipat ganda.
Kesemua ini membayangkan karakter Najib yan tamak haloba dan yang paling releven kepada PAS ialah Najib seorang yang tidak boleh dipercayai. Adakah pemimpin PAS jantan untuk mengatakan Najib seorang munafik?
Ini suatu perkara yang berat- sebab jika Najib seorang munafik, maka PAS yang menyokong nya juga orang2 munafik.

At Tawbah: 67

الْمُنَافِقُونَ وَالْمُنَافِقَاتُ بَعْضُهُم مِّن بَعْضٍ ۚ يَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمُنكَرِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَقْبِضُونَ أَيْدِيَهُمْ ۚ نَسُوا اللَّهَ فَنَسِيَهُمْ ۗ إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ

Lelaki dan perempuan yang munafik sama antara satu sama lain. Mereka menganjurkan kemungkaran dan menegah ma’ruf dan tangan mereka tertutup. Mereka telah melupakan Allah jadi Dia melupakan mereka. Sesungguhnya golongan munafik adalah golongan yang tersangat ingkar dan fasik.

Tapi itu semua diketepikan oleh pemimpin PAS dan kenalah mereka berjawab kepada ahli mereka sendiri. Bererti PAS dipimpin oleh mereka yang orang Islam tidak boleh percaya dan diberikan amanah.

Di dalam al Quran 3:75 menyebutkan; 
وَمِنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَابِ مَنْ إِن تَأْمَنْهُ بِقِنطَارٍ يُؤَدِّهِ إِلَيْكَ وَمِنْهُم مَّنْ إِن تَأْمَنْهُ بِدِينَارٍ لَّا يُؤَدِّهِ إِلَيْكَ إِلَّا مَا دُمْتَ عَلَيْهِ قَائِمًا ۗ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَالُوا لَيْسَ عَلَيْنَا فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ سَبِيلٌ وَيَقُولُونَ عَلَى اللَّهِ الْكَذِبَ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ

Dan diantara ahli kitab jika engkau percayakan harta yang banyak, niscaya dia akan mengembalikan kepada mu. Tapi ada pula dintara mereka yg jika engkau percayakan hanya satu dinar, dia tidak akan mengembalikan nya kecuali engkau selalu menagih kepada nya. Ini adalah kerana mereka mengatakan tidak ada dosa dan tanggung jawab kami kepada mereka yg ummi dan buta huuf. Mereka mengatakan hal yang dusta kpd Allah, pada hal mereka mengetahui.

PAS sebetulya tidak peduli kepada penyokong nya yang sebahagian besarnya dianggap oleh pimpinan PAS sebagai tidaklah cerdik walaupun taat beragama.
Saya mengajak penyokong PAS menolak pemimpin yang anggap penyokong nya bodoh dan oleh yang demikian tidak perlu bertanggung jawab keatas mereka. Anggaplah mereka semua bersubahat dengan Najib menjahanamkan negara.Ingatlah keIslaman kita tidak memerlukan pensijilan daripada pihak ke-3.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Pakatan pro tempore committe- personal thoughts.

These are my own personal comments. Most of us have read about this. Pakatan Harapan- is forming a pro tem committee. Most are us are jubilant about this. A pro tempore committee is finally in place.
Among other things, it will look into the idea of registering one common logo. As I have said some time ago, this is a right step. One of the things BN is fearful of, is the use of one logo by the opposition. Perhaps it can also discuss the idea of direct membership.
One logo. It will simplify the choice for voters. They will vote either BN or PH. It shows we can present a united front to the people. Hopefully it removes confusion. We are telling people that they have tangible choices.
The other thing that BN is fearful of is the leader who represents PH. Unfortunately we have 2 leaders who will act as advisors to PH. The leaders who met up have agreed to have 2 persons to represent PH. I don’t think this is strategic in the sense of being able to confer maximum advantages to PH. There should only be one person to represent PH.
If we don’t trust Mahathir, put Wan Azizah in charge. Or put up Muhyidin. Let us have only one captain commanding the ship. You can’t have 2 captains overseeing the command of a ship. It will run aground.
But let us ask ourselves? Will Wan Azizah have the drawing power to convert the UMNO people to our cause? We can’t bank our hopes solely on our extreme disgust of the injustice meted out to Anwar Ibrahim that we feel, giving Wan Azizah the symbolic gesture of fronting for Anwar will do the trick. We are dangerously flirting with an overrated emotion. It’s not endearing enough to have someone projecting a very feminine and likeable image comforting herself with a fontage fan.
I am not going to mince my words here. I am saying the person who is most strategically useful to us at the moment is Dr Mahathir. Put Dr Mahathir as the person representing PH.
With due respects to Wan Azizah, her placement there appears to give assurance to the PKR people, their boss is there. It’s like an insurance policy, reflecting the jockeying of position that is already looming in the background in the event that PH wins the PRU14. It is already the right of first claim by PKR when PH wins the next election. Anwar Ibrahim can become PM, after we win power.
It is also a decision to quell the distrust of the PKR people and members of PH on Mahathir. There are lingering doubts as to the sincerity of DR Mahathir in teaming up with PH. Personally I think most of these fear are unfounded.
Why do we need Wan Azizah to serve as midwife?
I have been wanting to write about this sometime ago but held back for fear on sending the wrong messages.  Now that a committee is already in place, this issue can be discussed.
The only person whom UMNO fears most is Dr Mahathir. Let us make no bones about it- we are fighting UMNO. Don’t entertain PAS as a serious opponent. It’s UMNO.
After being played out on the issue of RUU355, PAS has lost credibility even among its own adherents. It can’t go back to its people by saying it tries its best but that it is UMNO which betrays them.
How do you explain that after having getting yourself besotted and ensnared by UMNO’s advances, you cannot depend on UMNO to put up the bill? Its supporters will be demanding blood soon. It has betrayed the hope and trust placed on them to deliver the RUU bill. It seems now that God has willed that Hadi’s private bill cannot get through with UMNO. It will shatter the hopes of the hundreds who came by buses to parliament the last time, to see and hear the motion becomes bill. How will Hadi explain to the expectant faces?
Some time ago, when Dr Mahathir turned up for an event organised by PKR, he was booed as he entered the hall. I understand the latent animosity and disapproval of Mahathir. Rightly or wrongly, he is seen as the person responsible for inflicting harm on Anwar.
But Mahathir now is the only person who can lead PH to defeat UMNO. Unless we defeat UMNO and win power, I am afraid, but have to say this, our friend Anwar Ibrahim will rot in jail. I am not taking away anything from Anwar Ibrahim, but there is also a sizeable portion of our citizens who do not believe in his ability as a leader. If he is pragmatic, Anwar will endorse Mahathir as leader of PH. He should stop playing politics from jail. I think for him, putting up Mahathir is a better choice than having Azmin Ali as co advisor.
 As a blogger qua blogger, I will write about the internal politics of PKR sometime in the future.
With Mahathir coming on board, that portion opposed to PH for whatever reasons, can be reduced in size and our chance to defeat UMNO is increased. Just look as Felda. Whenever Mahathir comes, the crowd is huge.  We incapacitate Felda, we incapacitate UMNO.
When Najib was in Tawau recently he asked the question repeatedly- who does Sabah people support?- the answer came back loudly, Mahathir.
It is strategic for us, to leverage on Mahathir’s acceptability by the people. Mahathir still commands the reservoir of support in the Malay heartland.
Leverage on Mahathir. It is the perfect example, of a knife borrowed, which we can use to kill off the enemy, UMNO.

Ada Hati tidak mahu faham, ada telinga tidak mahu dengar, ada mata tidak mahu lihat- bahagian 1

Saya mahu poskan artikel ini, malam ini. Baru sebentar dapat makluman bahawa Najib tidak akan bentangkan RUU355. Pejuang Islam dalam PAS serata negara mengatakan tidak apa- aspirasi Islam PAS tetap membara. Apa yang mereka boleh kata?
Mereka boleh lah kata apa sahaja yang mereka mahu untuk mengubat hati nan luka. Fakta nya, ialah PAS sudah ditipu lagi oleh UMNO. PAS boleh terus berkata yang kena tipu bukan orang PAS tapi semua umat Islam di Malaysia. 
Mungkin PAS tidak dengar agaknya, PAS tidaklah mewakili semua umat Islam di Malaysia. Bukan semua orang Islam percayakan PAS dan ada sebahagian besar orang Melayu, menerima bahawa ada cara lain memuliakan Islam.
Itu karakter Najib yang sebenar. Mengapa PAS tidak mahu belajar karakter Najib dari skendel 1MDB? Mungkin pemimpin PAS dalam parlimen tidak faham isu ini. Atau tidak peduli. Bukankah nampak jelas dari 1MDB- Najib ialah seorang yang tidak amanah, suka berbohong, bersubahat dengan Jho Low untuk mencuri wang dari 1MDB dan sifat2 keji yang lain? Namun PAS merasakan boleh berkawan dengan orang yang seperti ini.
Mari kita lihat karakter Najib secara lebih mendalam.
Semalam, saya dapat panggilan telefon dari seorang rakan dari Pekan, Pahang. Kata nya-awak bersyarah macam mana pun, tak lut kat orang Pekan. Dia kata- semua orang Pekan tahu Najib Razak adalah perompak nombor 1. Tapi orang Pekan akan terus sokong Najib. Nak buat macam mana- katanya, memang fiil orang Pekan demikian. Walaupun Najib itu bapak perompak, mereka akan tetap memilih Najib.
Saya tidak terkejut dengan pandangan seperti ini. Sedikit sebanyak, saya pun tahu saikoloji orang Pekan.
Saya percaya pada kebenaran pandangan tersebut. Memang orang Pekan demikian. Mereka akan lupa bahawa Najib itu perompak besar. Attention span orang Pekan tidak lama.
Mereka pun lebih kurang politik cara sebahagian orang asli. Last in first out. Yang menyentuh mereka kali akhir lah yang mendapat layanan utama. Maka pada saat akhir, bila Najib beri gula2 dan ole2, maka Najib lah yang diutamakan.
Tapi itu orang Pekan. Biarkan mereka demikian. Saya tetap dengan pendirian saya bahawa tidak ada negara yang boleh kekal berjaya dengan pemimpin, pimpinan dan kerajaan yang korap dan bengap/inept. Najib percaya semua masaalah selesai dengan membeli orang yang bising mengenai nya. Dia ingat selesai masaalah dengan membayar pengacau.Dia ingat dia boleh membeli kesetiaan rakyat.
Rakyat mahu tahu mengapa orang bising? Mengapa orang hendak kacau? Itu bukan kerja main2 dan menanggung risiko.
Kita bukan hendak jatuhkan kerajaan- kita hendak tubuhkan kerajaan baru. Dan rahsia kejayaan sesebuah kerajaan ialah menentukan ianya ditadbir oleh orang2 baik.
Dibawah Najib, kerajaan nya penuh dengan penyamun dan pegawai korap. Dan tidak ada yang lebih korap dan tamak haloba dari Najib Tun Razak. Maka, sama dengan ‘kedegilan’ orang Pekan, tapi berlawanan pendirian, buat macam mana pun, saya rasa Najib membawa malang kepada negara kita.
Saya harap orang Melayu ditempat lain mempunyai prinsip yang berlainan dari orang Pekan. Orang Pekan pun ada prinsip- seperti yang saya katakan tadi. Siapa yang tahu mana benar, mana salah, mana untung, mana rugi? Mungkin orang Pekan pun geliga otak mereka- mereka mencongak cost-benefit analysis. Mereka kata, pencuri pencurilah, kawan tetap sokong Najib, wok.
Jadi untuk sementara ini, biarkan mereka dengan prinsip mereka. Kata orang, Siluncai terjun dengan labu2 nya- biarkan biarkan. Kita harap dan berusaha untuk mengubah pemikiran mereka. Bahawa masa depan mereka dan bangsa bukan dalam tangan Najib, tapi dalam tangan sendiri. Langkah pertama ialah tukar Najib dan kerajaan nya.

Kepada mereka, Najib  membawa kemajuan ke Pekan. Maklum sahajalah, kalau tidak ada Najib, maka kebulurlah orang Pekan. Dunia mereka gelap. Mandi tak basah. Makan tak kenyang.

Benarlah kata Plato- harga yang kita bayar kerana tidak mempedulikan bagaimana kerajaan diurus ialah, akhirya kita mendapati diri kita diperintah oleh orang yang jahat.
Saya tiada syak bahawa Najib ialah ketua kerajaan perompak, oleh perompak dan untuk perompak. Saya mengatakan demikian as a matter of factly. Barangsiapa yang menyelidiik dengan suara hati akan mendapati fakta ini.

Sungguh benar apa yang disebut dalam al Quran- kita mendapat apa yang kita usahakan dan segala musibah yang melanda diri kita adalah hasil usaha tangan kita sendiri.

Tambahan pula, tabiat orang Pekan ialah mereka mudah dibeli dengan wang ringgit dan akan melupakan dosa anak Pekan seperti Najib.
Dan Najib ialah mahaguru mengurus persepsi- untuk mengurus persepsi bahawa dia seorang  yang hampir dengan rakyat dan berjiwa rakyat- dia pulang ke kawasan melakukan kerja2 sosial. Bertandang ke rumah orang kahwin, merasmi tandas awam, menyampaikan hamper makanan, bersewang dengan orang asli, menghadhiri majlis bersunat, tendang bola sebiji dua, merasmikan itu dan ini dan segala media yang UMNO kawal , akan menyanyi lagu2 indah dan muluk mengenai ‘kerapatan’ Najib dengan rakyat biasa. Dia akan gunakan segala kemudahan dan sumber milik kerajaan untuk mengurus persepsi2 yang dia kehendaki.
Dan setiap kali pulang kePekan, menelan belanja yang banyak. Bayangkan ini- body guards perlu dibayar elaun overtime – RM500 seorang dan ada 20 orang, kenderaan hendak pergi airport- 30 buah dengan 30 buah driver- satu kereta dengan minyak dan segala nya, RM500 sehari x 30 driver 30 x 500 sehari,. Kemudian ole2 yang diberi, pegawai keselamatan setempat yang kena dibayar, penggerak2 acara yang perlu dibayar, kemudahan setepat- khemah kerusi meja, kos acara makanan dsb- RM150-200,000 setiap kali. Ertinya, untuk menonjolkan persepsi kerapatan dengan rakyat, menelan kos yang banyak. Duit siapa? Bukan duit Najib.
Dan hari ini dalam dewan rakyat( 26 mac 2017) Najib berkata menabur rasa moderasi lebih susah dari menanam kebencian. Saya sangat setuju kerana reakitinya Najib lah yang menanam rasa kebencian dan kesangsian antara kaum dalam negara ini.
Sesiapa sahaja dengan kemudahan dan sumber kewangan yang tidak terbatas boleh mencipta persepsi, ketrampilan dan imej yang dikehendaki. Tidak ada rahsia.
Saya katakan kepada rakan saya- kalau awak sediakan kemudahan dan sumber kewangan begitu banyak- Mat Tompel pun boleh lakukan apa yang Najib lakukan. Mat Tompel ialah seorang karakter yang benar2 ujud di Pekan yang boleh kita anggap sebagai the likeable village idiot. Kawan saya tahu siapa Mat Tompel ini. Semasa kecil kami bermain main dengan nya.

Walau bagaimana pun, biarpun orang Pekan tutup sebelah mata, elok lah saya ingatkan karakter Najib. Bersambung......

Friday 24 March 2017

For Political Islam and Uniting the Malays

One day will come when we will be asked- how is it that you have gotten into this mess? That is, we have tolerated injustice, corruption, all the evils a government does, we are at each other’s throats willing to cause harm and hurt towards each other? 
How is it that we are rejecting universal values of liberty, freedom of speech, rule of law and democracy? We allow ourselves to be cowed into keeping quiet over the wrongdoings of the PM and of the people surrounding him. He has clearly done so many wrong things and has even equated criticisms against him as works of sabotage on the economy.  
It as though, we have spurned all the values that support a civil society. Yet our religious leaders and operatives pontificate about righteous values everyday. Then they compromised these values when dealing with real life issues. Theft, criminal breach of trust, blatant embezzlement, serially lying, and plain stealing money from the public are tolerated and justified on manufactured justification.
Yet we call ourselves Malays and Muslims. Our conduct and character ought to be exemplary. How do we reconcile being Malay or a Muslim with being someone who supports the bad things? 
How can the PM with a straight face talk about his pet subject- wasthiyah?

We will answer, we are in this mess, because we have listened and obeyed our leaders and prominent people and it is they who have led us astray. Removing these bad people then becomes our main priority. That is our redemption to show that we are thankful.
It’s good for all of us. Getting rid of Najib and his government. Reject also those religious people who support him who justify what Najib does by extracting all kinds of Quranic verses.  Get rid of them too.
UMNO blames the Chinese and we are told they will overwhelm Malays. PAS accuses the Chinese of being anti Islam and therefore must be repelled. In the world, only people with supremacist thinking do cleansing. Hitler did that. The Serbians did that. The KKK in America did that. All of them failed.
In the name of race, Islam and the King, all the pillage, economic crimes, and corruption are justified. Justice, the rule of law, competence, and good governance are alien concepts. The reality of economic hardships is hidden by glossy presentations of images and numbers.
At that time, we will all pray and beseech God to punish these leaders double the penalty and we pray to God to unleash the biggest curse on them.
The Malays will be cursing at their leaders- both secular and temporal after realising that these people led them astray. It is they who have caused divisiveness and tumult across the nation. 
وَقَالُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّا أَطَعْنَا سَادَتَنَا وَكُبَرَاءَنَا فَأَضَلُّونَا السَّبِيلَا

And they will say, O Lord, indeed we have listened and obeyed our leaders and the prominent among us and they have led us astray.  Al ahzab, 67.

رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ ضِعْفَيْنِ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَالْعَنْهُمْ لَعْنًا كَبِيرًا

 O lord, punish them twice the severity and unleash on them a bigger curse. Al Ahzab, 68.

We must now allow ourselves the blind worship and obeisance to these kinds of leaders. Our support and our obeisance to them are qualified by their nature. It is not a sin to disobey and not blindly follow them. If they enjoin us to do justice, establish truth and good, we can follow them. If they enjoin us to do evil, it is our duty to resist them and to reject them. 
We must never allow the voice of evil and hate destroy our country. 
Nowadays many among us have realised that all the din and posturing about the amendments to Act 355, is all about politics. It’s not about making Islam great again. Indeed it appears that to some, it is a means to channel their aggression and blood thirsty urges. Many PAS members when asked will answer they are ignorant of RUU355 and what they are asked to support. The common Malay men who are Muslims do not know either.
Except they feel that have been blackmailed into believing that if they do not support what PAS wants them to do, they will be regarded as apostates, irreligious, not of the same religion and so on. They have been blackmailed into supporting. Support obtained through blackmail of any kind, be it spiritual or temporal blackmail, is the act of the irresponsible and the power hungry.
Haji Hadi himself says it- victory on RUU 355 is for political Islam. Now, politics is all about getting power and using the power to do what the victor thinks is good for society. For example, because it was victorious, PAS got the power to be the government in Kelantan. The purpose of politics is to get power.  
Which makes what some people say that they enter politics is not to win power nonsensical. Nik Abduh who lost in a leadership contest says he contested just for the fun of it. That is utter nonsense. He says he is happier he lost. Now, I cannot find excuses for someone else’s stupidity.
Zahid Hamidi says RUU355 is all about uniting the Malays. Islam is used for UMNO politics. It is used for Malay supremacy.
Therefore I can  safely say, now that the cat is out of the bag, the RUU355 issue was all about politics. It has nothing to do with making Islam great again. You and I can hear and read all about it now.
RUU355 is about (a) making Islamic politics strong and (b) uniting the Malays. Haji Hadi says (a) and Zahid Hamidi says(b). Haji Hadi represents Islamic supremacy while Zahid Hamidi represents Malay supremacy.  Islam must be purified against non Muslims; the Malay race must be purified against non Malays.
Our stand is not about exonerating and therefore grandstanding the Chinese. It is about stopping the blame game. When we are in trouble, we naturally blame others. We make scapegoat of others. By doing so, we hide our own failures and shortcomings.
 I have often asked who are the people out to destroy Islam? Sure, they are enemies of Islam- we know them. We read about the continuous demonising of our Holy prophet and of the insulting attacks on him. Some drew cartoons of him. Our Holy book the Quran is soiled every second.It is also burnt.
As Muslims we take all that as given. The enemies of Islam will never rest until we Muslims become them. We know all that. But these can never be the reasons why the Muslims are not great, successful and respectable.
They become backward, unsuccessful, looked down because of their own undoing. 
وَمَا أَصَابَكُم مِّن مُّصِيبَةٍ فَبِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِيكُمْ وَيَعْفُو عَن كَثِيرٍ
Al- Quran 42:30
Whatever misfortune happens to you, is because of the things your hands have wrought and for many of them, He grants justice.

We have chosen these bad leaders. We have listened to them. We rue the consequences.
If the Chinese actually threatens Islam, tell us how? If the Chinese are a threat to Malays, tell us how.  Accuse them and let them defend themselves.
All the business partners of our leaders and prominent people in Malaysia are Chinese. The owner of George Kent whom Mr Najib gives a lot of business deals is Chinese. The young man who conspires with Mr Najib to siphon money from 1MDB is Chinese. His name is Jho Low.
What is stopping the Malay government from arresting these Chinese, tie them up, throw them into the ocean or just impale them?  Will that satisfy our bloodthirsty urges?
So to me, whether you like it or not, the statements from Haji Hadi and Zahid Hamidi are all politically driven. 
One represents Islamic supremacy, the other, Malay supremacy.Once again I repeat, we must never allow the voice of hate and evil destroy us. The voice of decency ad justice must prevail.