Tuesday 3 August 2010

The Malay Question in Malaysian Politics


I think many UMNO people miss an important point. Just as we( UMNO) say that Islam is not the exclusive province or PAS or any other party posturing on its religiosity, image and perception, people can also say, Malay-ism, is not the exclusive property of UMNO. Just because UMNO has fought on the basis of Malay nationalism and interests for so long, it is by no means its exclusive domain. It does not own the fight. Malay interests and Malay causes do not evaporate if today, UMNO disappears.
This is the biggest problem of UMNO. It thinks Malay causes and fight, are theirs by divine right. This kind of thinking breeds self conceit and arrogance which probably translate into the everyday behavior of its members. Look at for example, the smugness that comes along with labeling Malays as liberal Malays, just because we disagree on your methods. Hello kawan, lu ingat lu sorang sahaja Melayu ke? You ingat, your methods sahaja yang betul ke? If others are liberal Malays, what are you- Malay's Malay? The purest of the pure? Some of those championing this purest of the pure nationalism are not even UMNO members.
What is more damaging is, this kind of thinking destroys the awareness, that allegiance to its causes, must be earned and worked at. We have this kind of thinking- don't worry, in the end, people will come back to us no matter what. What will motivate them to do that? We seem to ignore the question.
It's the height of haughtiness and arrogance to have this idea that if UMNO dies, then the Malay is finished. We'd better get this into our heads quickly. Similarly, is also arrogance of the 1st degree to say, that Islam is finished if PAS goes under. Both Islam and Malay are bigger than the political vehicles that carry them. once we become aware of this point, we commit ourselves to the reality that allegiance to our cause, must be earned over and over again. We should now realize that the original bright red fire that propels us initially, are turning into amber flashes. We are running on reserves.
The permanency of this political reality- that is, Malaysian politics will always have to come to terms with the Malay question, removes at once any conceited idea by anyone, including UMNO that it can forego having to accommodate Malay politics. In the case of UMNO, it has been taken as fore-granted. No one comes into power without embracing this reality- not UMNO, not PAS, not any other non Malay political parties.
I am an UMNO man. If possible I want all Malays to support UMNO. Malay support for UMNO has always been a qualified support. I know it has to be earned not expected to be had as of right. It was, is and will never be unquestioning support and a as- of- right property.
In the past, say between 1946 to the time of Tun Razak, Malay support for UMNO was founded and grounded on a general and deserved belief that UMNO was the best political vehicle to secure the community's objectives. But I say its delusional to state that its only UMNO who fights for Malay interests. It still does, but there appears to be something fundamentally wrong with the way and methods they used for securing the community's loyalty to its causes. The slogans Melayu this and Melayu that have not been effective lately, signifying the need to re-engineer the foundation. Unless you can convince me otherwise, then I say UMNO cannot even stand up to say, they represent Malays.
We delude ourselves further by claiming that because UMNO has 78 parliamentary seats, therefore we have more Malay support. Dispute this then.
In the 2008 elections UMNO candidates got 2.38 million votes. Mind you, not all of that came from Malay voters. Take away 380,000 non Malay votes, you are left with 2 million Malay voters who elected UMNO candidates. In that year, there were 5.7 million Malay voters. This means 3.7 million Malay voters didn't vote for UMNO candidates. If more Malay voters( including UMNO members) didn't vote for UMNO candidates, how can UMNO say, they represent Malays? The 78 parliament seats won by UMNO therefore didn't reflect the true extent of Malay support for UMNO.
Which simply means, that UMNO people have to work harder to regain the trust and allegiance of Malay voters. You have done it the old way and style-raising the specter of Malay marginalization and all that. You raised this inspite of having article 153 of the Constitution and despite being numerically larger than any other races combined. How is that defensible?
That old way hasn't worked. Why has more Malays voted for non UMNO parties? Personal disaffection, animosities, vengefulness cannot fully explain lost confidence. After UMNO and the government lost badly in the 2008 elections, UMNO leaders went to a retreat and produce a laundry list of all shortcomings they could think of. What happened to these? They have not been acted upon. I see no rain, even though there was much thunder about it.
Maybe I have not made myself clear on this issue. Who fights for the Malay question in Malaysian politics is a non contentious issue. Every political party will embrace, define and manage it. They way they do will earn them trust and support of the Malays.
Since 1946, UMNO has built a mousetrap that has proven to be very good. It has continued to be the federal government for Malaysia. the party controls a number of state legislative assemblies. It's still the party to beat.
It would be foolhardy to discount the party as a has been. The fundamental causes upon which it built its struggle and eminence are very much ingrained in the majority of UMNO supporters. I hope they still are. Except that UMNO needs to realize, the approach to harness support is no longer through the traditional way. This includes the appeal to latent primal fears of the Malays of being swamped by other Malaysian ethnic groups. Wasn't UMNO formed to serve as bulwark to protect themselves from being marginalized by immigrant races? That fear has always been manipulated.
Since then Malays have made progress in many areas. We gained self government and independence in 1957. We developed the economy and brought much development for this country. the accomplishments were obtained not through the efforts of Malays only but by all Malaysian races that now call Malaysia home. With economic development comes liberated minds. The experience that came along with economic achievements, political awareness and national confidence resulted in new understanding, new expectations and ever emerging values.
What is probably happening, many UMNO fighters have not come to terms with these political realities.


  1. >>In the 2008 elections UMNO candidates got 2.38 million votes.

    sak, you forgot to deduct undi pos and phantom voters

  2. UMNO wants exactly the type of Malays such your goodself!!
    It want's you to disagree on what is and what it does but yet remain an UMNO loyalist.
    It wants unquestioning loyalty in return for protection, an imagined one though.
    I know of many Malays who know exactly how corrupted UMNO leaders are but still support the party for personal interests and out of fear that without UMNO 'Melayu akan hilang dari dunia'.
    In fact many Malays accept corruption as 'biasa lah.

    UMNO today even owns Allah!! that we non-Malays cannot even utter the word.

  3. Allah is Islam based not Malay based. You can utter the word if you are a Muslim not because you are a Malay.

    Corrupt is not biasa. It is sinful and wrong. The other non Malay and non Islam still give it to the Malay even after they knew it is sinful and wrong on the pretext of hadiah.

    - kura-kura dalam perahu - pura-pura tak tahu;
    ( the tortoise in the boat, you know know but forgot ?)

  4. Dato'
    No matter what and no matter how PM wants it to be but with the kind of civil servant mostly mediocre of the like KSN and many more and the arrogant of those in power-berbuih lah mulut PM but the hatred towards your party will continue to increase.
    Just look at the way the police treats the people!!! Orang meluat bukan sebab Najib maybe some to Kak Mah and those stupid politicians but mostly are created by the top civil servants which cause all the damages.
    So who selected most of these mediocre. The government!!! and when they did not perform so Najib get the firing and when the PM seems to be clueless these mediocre start to abuse the power and the people will suffer.
    So if the PM is weak and no grips and no balls then call it quit!!! When you factor all the issues, the answer is MELAYU!!! camno sir!!!

  5. Dato'

    I do agree it would be foolhardy to discount the UMNO party as a has been.

    Yet I believe the days of UMNO are numbered if no major reform or change take place now.

    I can feel the ground swell against BN is growing stronger by the day.

    The response at the PKR Kuantan service centre fund raising dinner was a clear indicator of the growing supports for a just and multi-racial party.

  6. The evolution prototype of UMNO politics is been seen as retrospective to the colonial era instead of progressive enough to propel the Nation forward!

    They did not learn the least from their forefathers who were the so-called bulwarks for the Malay brethren.

    What they are doing now as the governing body, Umno is predominantly a governing Party, is exactly the like of the British colonial masters who would only harp on their Machiavellian type of political theory and histrionics of deceitful and cunning!

    Dealing with their own race, they have been like that. Not to mention dealing with other races!

    In the days of yore, they might still be capable of manoeuvring those foul tactics of the past but not now, when fast and open informations are readily available in the cyber-sphere enshroud the whole planet.

    Even the most advanced IT savvy Nations are incapable of hiding truths by their spin in the plain face media they are the most powerful aid for preaching the evilly dogma once upon a time!

    By sending out fat ass toads to croak in the open will only make people more annoyed and stone killed will be the end of the destiny they are at the receiving end, and they deserve it!

    Since they have had behaved like marmots, why dun they simply use their pea heads and burrow further into the deeper footings, and that's the fundamental ground they could see. The writings are on the wall.

    Then they will read, how history go. How the forefathers of all picked up the riffles and fought the demonic invaders from the East and ultimately chased all the dastardly colonial hypocrites they would simply surrender to the Japs just after 70 days of sword fencing with the enemies, into the sea!

    They will also see the bigger picture of how the forefathers transact business in such a fair manner to agree with disagree. How the forefathers had foregone with all childish spats and squabbles and together they pulled up the sleeves to slog in Nation building!

    No time had been wasted!

    As the Chinese belief, all wealth and prosperity cannot be lasting for more than 3 generations if the successors are the prodigal hopeless descents!

    Looks like it's coming real for all of us to witness!

  7. Salam Dato'

    What we have been doing are what we thought we must be doing on being in charge upon achieving independence! On this didn't we went overboard that we have Malayised (melayukan?)in particular the Government!

    Anything and everything, the Police, the Civil Service, the Judiciary, MACC, etc have become the veritable Malay institutions so much so that we have become overly sensitive to criticsms of bad governance in general. All their failings, their mediocrity, the rampant cronyism and corruption, blatant power abuses... all become synonymous with and stereotyping the Malay character that we have overwhelmingly made the Government!

    Characteristically, UMNO has made Malay Politics and Malay Economics defining the Malay Character in power! Good if Malaysia is successful but its becoming if not already so shameful given the increasingly shamble states we are getting into. (going the way of Zimbabwe and Myanmar, aren't we?)

    So it's not the Malay Question but rather the Malay Character that has become, that UMNO has made and which we must address.

    Are we able and willing to correct ourselves in the time that we are already plummeting and now almost to hit rock bottom?

  8. Sak. if only the leadership of UMNO is able to think like you and be able to execute it, then UMNO will be on the recovery path. Unfortunately, UMNO is still in denial. As such, only by losing power will realisation dawn onto them.

  9. I am not so sure UMNO members are not aware so much as they don't want to admit it. In other words, its not a matter of knowledge but a matter of will.

    Most of UMNO problems are matter of political will. It knows corruption is bad and need to rid it but it does not have the will. It knows pandering to the Islamist is no longer productive but can't walk away from doing it. It knows proper accountability and transparency will improve the system but its afraid of it.

    It knows plurality will only bring up performance of everyone but it does not have the will to embrace it either. UMNO do not have the will to lead because real leadership is hard and its not designed to do hard.

  10. "I do agree it would be foolhardy to discount the UMNO party as a has been." PH CHIN

    I beg to differ.
    The day UMNO loses power it will disintegrate in 5 seconds.
    Without power, without benefits, without contracts, without hand outs without links to higher ups, member will flee the sinking ship.
    Let me tell you my experience with UMNO people.
    I have seen many UMNO top leaders without a friend the day he loses power.
    I met one such man, a former MB, some years ago.
    When I visited him he said, "Oh, finally, a friend visits me. You know, now that I am no more MB, no body knows me, no body visits me. I am a non person now."
    That is why Rais Yatim (not the one I referred to earlier) had to rebuild the bridge he burnt.

    Just you watch they will never stick with a loser. Many will join PAS and PKR.

  11. Since the topic is about Malays,i saw a photo of five Melayus exiting the US Embassy, after delivering their protest letter...the irony is..they were all dressed up like MAT SALLEH...PERKASA.. WHAT HAPPEN TO KETUANAN MELAU? WHERE IS UR BAJU MELAYU AND SAMPINGS...NOT FORGETTING THE KRIS.... CAKAP KETUANAN MELAYU..TAPI GAYA MCM ORANG PTUIH..!!

  12. It's not haughtiness or arrogance of UMNO in its relationship with the Malays.

    It's more to do with taking us for granted that it's our party of choice.

    Like a long marriage, partners take each other for granted, not knowing the other is carrying on with someone else. The same it is with UMNO.

    That is why Najib is now not concentrating so much on the Malays. He thinks its okay, Malays know the are protected by the constitution.

    But by this, many felt side-lined and are now turning to Perkasa or PKR.

    UMNO is sooo comfortable with us and vice versa. How many of us think, takpe UMNO ada. Have no fear, UMNO is here.

    We never think one day it will no longer be with us. The 2.7 million Malay voters who did nor vote for BN as you mentioned included those who did not go to vote or are not registered voters.

    We assume, even without our votes, UMNO will win.It is different with the Chinese and Indians. They are now beginning to see the importance of even one vote.

    UMNO cannot afford to become LDP. Its fine with Japan because there's only one race and one religion.

    For us, UMNO must be supreme since the rural Malay poor in partuclar still need their help.

    Who else tell me, can we depend on? DAP? Of course not. Keadilan? Impossible, since we didnt even know what they are fighting for except for putting Anwar as president and PM.

    To us UMNO is a symbol. How many Malays really go to UMNO to get scholarships, land, houses, jobs or our basic needs.
    But we are comforted that UMNO is there as a bulwark.

    Of course, for the Malays in this small cyberworld who have everything are clamoring for democracy, transparency, justice, human rights etc. To them UMNO is redundant, irrelevant and we need change.

    Some of them are acting worse than the non-Malays who at least acknowledge the need for affrmatuve action.

    I dont regard them as libertarian. Just despicably self-centred and smug.

    Little did they care, there are many silent ones in the outside world who still have the heart for UMNO.

    And these are the people which Najib and his cohorts must address to.d

  13. Bro Hishamudin Rais ada pandangan menarik....


  14. Dato Sak

    I would expect your call for the Malays to think as MALAYSIANS FIRST then as Malay.

    I doubt that is possible because that will be against the raison d 'etre of UMNO.

    If Malays are asked to think as Malaysians first, then UMNO becomes irrrelevant.

    That is why UMNO has opposed the MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA since 1965.

    Australians are asked to think as AUSTRALIANS FIRST, not as Anglo Saxons or Italians or as Asians first.

    I need to ask those liberal and intellectual elites in UMNO: Should UMNO ask all Malays to think as Malaysians FIRST.

    DPM had implied NO, because he had said he has to be a Malay first.

    What about Mahathir ? Is he a Malay first for what.

    Khir Toyo, Javanese first, then Malay then Malaysian???

    Ridhuan Tee, is he a Malay first??? By definition in the Federal Constitution he IS A MALAY. nO?

  15. singapore malays reply to UMNO and Mahathir....

    SINGAPORE, July 30: Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's assumption that Malays in Singapore had failed and their neighbouring Malays should take lesson from their plight has not impressed a Singaporean daily.

    Right: An Islamic school cum mosque in the Aljunied district in Singapore

    The republic's Malay daily Berita Harian in an editorial said Malay-Muslims in the state were successful and it was a result of their hard work in line with the values of meritocracy, not a result of being spoon-fed.

    “We do not believe in being spoon-fed or being too dependent on the government - in other words, we do not have a crutch mentality,' wrote editor Guntor Sadali.

    Guntor said Singapore Malays believed that a community with such a mentality would soon become a “two M” community, which stands for ‘manja’ (spoilt), and ‘malas’ (lazy).

    “We definitely do not want to be labelled as a pampered and lazy community,” he said, adding that the Malay community in the island raised their own funds to build Islamic schools, mosques and other community properties.

    “Now, what could have happened to the Malays here in the last four decades? What could have driven Dr Mahathir to voice his concern and to caution the Malaysian Malays? I wonder,” he added.

    'Knowledge is power'

    The paper however noted that Mahathir could be referring to the political power of Singapore Malays.

    For the Malay minority there, power is not about wielding the keris, but is about being equipped with knowledge, the paper adds.

    “Malay children here attend the same schools as other Singaporeans with a shared aim - to obtain a holistic education and, of course, achieve good examination results,” the editorial went on, adding that while it was tough for the community yet like all others, it left them with no choice but to work hard.

    “There is certainly no short cut to success,” Guntor said.

    He said the island state's meritocracy system pushed Malays to work harder, and cited the increasing number of professionals and corporate leaders among the community as proof of their success.

    He said the Malays would not want to achieve success any other way, and said Singapore Malays were proud of their self-reliance, unlike their northern brethren.

    “We may wear the same clothes, eat the same food, speak the same language and practise the same culture. However, the similarities end there.

    “Shouldn't our friends and relatives across the Causeway be like us – Malays in Singapore?” asked Guntar.

  16. "After UMNO and the government lost badly in the 2008 elections, UMNO leaders went to a retreat and produce a laundry list of all shortcomings they could think of. What happened to these? They have not been acted upon. I see no rain, even though there was much thunder about it."


    I feel You Dato Sak, I really do

    but alas the struggle is far from over - this is why PM Jibby have to be conclusive and no more flip-flopping.

    I do hope he can change for the better or else the rakyat will change UMNO in a whole comes next GE

    My crux will be highlighting the Education - from there i'm sure UMNO will be back on track.

    -Ikan Tongkol-

  17. You have a point there, 'the human spirit' is bigger than any political parties.

    What is needed is the re-engineering of the parties' visions and goals. No longer should they be based on past struggles and objectives.

    But be more on current issues and what Malaysians really want this country to be.

    This is the reality, 'the past' is dead. 'Living' is for 'now' and the 'future'.

  18. Dato,

    Name me one Melayu in the cabinet that is 100% trustworthy???

  19. Say what we want but the fact remains that UMNO tak mampu berubah.Anon 13.58 is right -NO WILL - so how to change?

    Saya pun Melayu.....

  20. UMNO hanya mencari kesinambungan, ia itu terus mengabui rakyat melalui berbagai cara yang haram supaya mereka akan terus dapat merompak kekayaan negara dari dahulu, kini dan bermimpi selama-lamanya.

  21. Schenker 78

    So what. Pray tell what is so great about Singapore Malays?

    Why must we emulate them? They are a repressed minority and must strive on their own.

    Where is the Hang Nadim? Buried in the pages of history.

    Where is the famed Shaw Bros or Cathay Keris of P.Ramlee days? Gone with the wind.

    All the film stars have moved to Malaysia except for S.Shamsuddin. Some like J. Mizan, one-time singer is a Changi Airport hand.

    Who cared for Sudin? Our Rais Yatim and his people came to aid him monetarily and for his well-being.

    Do you know that all their singers, actors, actresses and models have migrated here to earn a living.

    And just tune in to our radio or TV tations. Be it talk shows, pop or what have you, it will be the Singaporeans who are calling.

    They all watched our TV programmes beause the wee nation only cater for Chinese viewers.


  22. schenker78,

    The article you posted was not only a reply to TDM and Umno, but also served as the messages, a clarion call to their Northern brethren---

    “We may wear the same clothes, eat the same food, speak the same language and practise the same culture. However, the similarities end there.

    Out of 10 Singapore Malays i met, 8 would have said the same thing.

    Another distinctive difference is, if one cares to observe - the Sing Malays do not really wear the same as their northern brethren but more of casual in modern Jeans and spotty shorts when they are out shopping or dining.

    Over here, I can hardly find the scenario of Malay and Chinese families all flock together in a same restaurant enjoying curry fish head, nasi kandar and ice kacang after their prayers in the month of Ramadan! In Singapore, it's a regular get together scene of harmony.

    Sadly. we still see much a rift between races in our Country when only the Chinese can visit the Nasi Kandar chain, the Malays are seldom willing to patronize the coffee shops operated by the Chinese. Why? Afraid of lard?! Then why are others not taking such a taboo on the odour of beef which almost infuse the whole restaurant upon visit!

    Something weird of course, Old Town and Starbucks are exceptionally the favourite holes for those professional contract lobbyers from umno, though they are mostly operated by Chinese too!

    See the gap here? It's not only between the Malay and the Chinese. The upper Malay and the lower Malay are having different taste too! Teh Tarik with tongkat Ali is no longer a universal beverage for the Malays!

    So should we blame umno for spending decades yet they are unable to cement such a gap which definitely has existed for too long and falling apart! Which definitely is the main dividing factor which will cause forever disunity and a doom-laden for national fate!

    Who prompted for the brilliant idea of 'Muhibah"?! And is this Muhibah enough done?...

    And this....

    “Shouldn't our friends and relatives across the Causeway be like us – Malays in Singapore?” asked Guntar.

    ...perhaps is what Dato Sak is looking forward to response - in an exclusive Malaysian way - through the successful nurture of the Malaysian Politics!

    Who knows, one day, we can truly outdance Singapore in the international political arena.

    Can Umno do it?

  23. if you know malay is a determiner.i think the answer is clear.malay will always be taken into account when the policy is formulated.the question is to what extent the policy will serve the best interest of the majority?HOW EFFECTIVE will it be at the implementation level?how about the disparity of interpretations of certain terms to be mutually shared by the masses?THE FACTORS THAT COME INTO PLAY HERE THE PLAYING GROUND IS NOT EVEN.CULTURAL CAPITAL is not equal among the major players in this country.the most deficient cultural capital alwaya lose in the game.it is irony to deem that they are losers because they have all the negative attributes in them whereas the fact that the cc deficiency is embedded in them because of the nurturing condition is not conducive for their cultural capital acquisitions.good governance, accountability and transparency are universal values but should be appropriately defined within the culturally appropriate interpretations.whoever rules without this understanding of mainstream rakyat it only spells disaster,chaos and corruptions,cronies in new form that will be glossified as rakyatdriven development'philosophically domminant rakyat lose more if pas rules as their view is a simplistic straight jacket view minus the reality of shades of grey.

  24. UMNO leaders and 'fighters' have not come to terms with todays political realities. This includes you Dato. I don't understand you, really till today I fail to understand you. Why are you still in UMNO. If you are talking about cleansing this system in the present govt, forget about it. The only way you can cleanse this system is to join hands with the opposition who are doing a greaty job in all the opposition held states.
    Say what you may about Anwar, but he is our only hope now. TGNA is our only hope.
    You tell your friends that malays don't need UMNO anymore. Anyway what has UMNO given to us the malays, our children together with all Malaysians have to BORROW PTPTN money to go to university's. Before our children even get a job they are already owing thousands to the govt. Is this what UMNO says it's defending. Tell that to that idiot Perkasa.Tell the frog to go fly kites.
    We have enough of these UMNO bullshit.It's tim,e to shift the stand. I represent the urban malays but I pity the rural malays because they 'terlalu taksub' to the UMNO goons, TV3, Utusan and all the msm shit. Tell Mahadey to stop selling the malay as his product cos we aint gonna be his product anymore. He has wasted 100 billion malaysian ringgit and also being cheated by Ling. So all you UMNO goons go fly kite. Malays don't need anything from you people. Infact we never got anything from you guys. Education, we malays go to pay for it. Go to UITM and you will be told penginapaan cari sendiri and you end up staying in a chicken coop because of high rentals in Shah Alam. I tend to blow my top when you talk up about UMNO malay anad malay UMNO. Poda! la UMNO

  25. Quiet Despair,

    thats so pathetic. What do you know about Sporeans?? By reading in Utusan only??

    Have u ever been to Spore?? I dont think so.

    Have u ever been to JB?? Do you know that most JB ppl also watch Spore channels just like Sporeans watch Msian channels....

    Have u ever seen Malays in JB watch Spore Suria channel????

    Msians watch it because they are bored with RTM and TV3 news propaganda.... and some entertainment programmes in Spore even in Suria channels are of more quality than local productions here.

    jUST COMPARE THAT smelly and deteriorating dANGA bAY WITH sPORE zOO, ESPLANADE, uNIVERSAL ETC....COMPARE THAT TO JB zoo which animals are in kebuluran, not well kept, animals in distress etc....

    so what happened with T'Ganu Stadium Badak. You have to realize if the roof fallen after 2 days, thousands of ppl would have died for there was a sports event to be held. Why those involved like raja kamarul Bahrin not arrested????

    I am sure those family ppl who were to attend the event there would be pissed off with BN's silence and will register protest vote on GE13....see how incompetent your UMNO is....

    Come back to spore artist, of course they cari makan here like ramli sarip and m nasir because there is a big malay market here while population in spore is only 400,000 malays compare to millions in tanah melayu....

  26. Quiet Despair,

    About time to throw away yr tinted reading glasses about S'pore.

    Despite what u tried to project, the tiny red dot IS still one-up on EVERY aspects - that include the ATTITUDE of the Malay S'poreans - on bolihland.

    BTW, u can 'tapau' yr Colombo cert! Somehow from the comments that u had had spilled in Sak's blog - that piece of paper MUST be quite spurious!

    Schenker78 has RIGHTLY put u into a proper place.

    'Come back to spore artist, of course they cari makan here like ramli sarip and m nasir because there is a big malay market here while population in spore is only 400,000 malays compare to millions in tanah melayu....'

    It's ECONOMIC - stupid!

    Coming to that one wonder what's has the local Malay artists have done about trying to capture the Indonesian market. Afterall the 'Malay' population is HUGE. Could it be;

    1) The Indo have a different liking about the 'Malay' culture. Must ask the Indonesians currently 'reside' here to find out more.

    2) The Malay M'sian artists have no drive to venture out, to earn some decent foreign exchange? Or r there more?

    Perhaps, u can do some quietly despair about these while thinking about yr ketuanan glory. Yes?

  27. To Quiet Dispair..

    From your post, I generally gather you are a liberal Malay but one (of many) that distrusts the other races.

    You cannot trust others but UMNO but conveniently omitted PAS which is part of Pakatan. You generally distrust PKR and DAP with one and only reason.. there are non Malays in those parties.

    One thing I can challenge you and I am sure you cannot reply is can you cite us here one instance that DAP had acted against Malay interests or rather I can cite you numerous instances DAP had acted for Malay and Malaysian interests.

    DAP , as far as I know, for upteen years under YB Lim Kit Siang to his son, had been for one that help ALL MALAYSIANS not just the Chinese or Indians or Malays.

    The matter of fact is that in Malaysia there are about 40% of the people in Malaysia who are non Malays. We are born here, not of our choice but God's choice.

    We are here to be good citizens and work for our keeps. We are here to work together to build a nation everyone in the world would be proud of. In fact before the NEP, Malaysia was world renown for so many things the most is the racial harmony among the races.

    Our English was world standard and were eager sougt by UN because of our English and knowledge of other languages in the region.

    When one race starts to distrust another and wants to grab everything they can do so then the disintergration started. It started the day NEP started and today we have a million little Napoleans so brainwashed that they could/can/will do what they pleased. These with the assistance of compliant greed seeking non Malay leaders like the MCA and others who allowed the extremists to do what they wanted for the sake of peace(or their pockets).

    It had degerated to such an extent that even a whimper from a BN component party would solicit an uproar and threatened. These you did read before 2008 March General elections .. that was the time when other woke up to the arrogance of the BN...especially UMNO.

    The DPM's said "UMNO IS NO MORE ACTION". He contradicted himself as soon as he had finished talking.
    See how he rebuked MCA to call for dropping the appeal on "Allah" isssue to be in cahort with "DAP" which of course is not true forgetting UMNO itself is trying to lure PAS. This itself is "action". You boleh orang lain ta boleh " even if it is true MCA is in line with "DAP"(not true of course)

    to be continued.

  28. continue

    So you see, guys like you do not trust the others to run the country. Look at what is happening to Penang now.
    Look at ANY project run otherwise....

    Before Penange was officially run by the Chinese but in reality UMNO was calling the shots. Look what happened when DAP took over? Are the Malays marginalised or are even better now that non connected Malays with capabilities are now getting the contracts rather than cronies? The government is getting value for money now instead of what have been reported a US30 million dollar deal became a US300 million dollar deal?

    To progress you need the best to run the country. You need all races to run the country. Until the day we see, non Malays start heading GLCs, Government departments etc , you can be rest assured it would be detriment to the Malays not the non Malayss.

    Why? Because the non Malays do have other countries to go to while the Malays are locked in their little comfortable cocoons in this country learning nothing.

    The day would come one day, if the country's deterioration comes about, you would see the non Malays who had head start are global players having good business in many countries while the Malays given cosy jobs start finding business unsustainable in Malaysia for lack of investments etc. Even their own people may have to export not scientists, but low paying jobs overseas.

    This would mostly not happen to a Chinese family.. that I can asure you because they worked hard for their keeps and have money and qualifications to go to any ASEAN countries or beyond where most economies are dominated by Chinese businesses. They speak the same lingo and much more and will in fact be demanded in many countries (Malay, Chinese and English).

    The non Malays who have lots of relatives working and earning very good money become multi-millionaires in ringgit terms would be better of than all locals who stayed behind. They can remit good money to their relatives, their grandpas , parents like what Indonesians workers are sending their money back home. The difference would be these Chinese who have had head start would be better off financially and with good jobs or businesses. This will we know squabbling over nothing with lots of hot airs from the likes of Ibrahim Alis. In fact, everytime that guy opened up his mouth, a thousand more get convinced to take the plunge to try their luck overseas.

    Yes, you may go ahead and vote for whom you like. Who cares.

    At the end of the day, those who
    work and produce will enjoy their fruits of labour and those who think others have to slog for them will have to wait at empty tables.

    Yes, we vote with our feet and as far as we see, there is no solution in sight even if Pakatan is to take Putrajaya. The damage done would take decades to undo... and we are still committing this kind of mistake.

    Cheers have a good life while it lasts.

  29. Your elder brother comes to you to borrow some money, say RM54,000. After some time, he is left with RM2,000. He wants to borrow more. You say, hold on bang, how did you managed to use up the RM52,000 so fast ? He says he needs to buy branded goods and also to get a car. Sorrylah bang, no more money. You need to get a job. Bang insist you have to loan him the money because he is your elder brother and has the right to take money from you.

    If bang had use the money wisely and double the money, we will surely say, bang please take more money and double it. Everybody would be happy. But as it is benih pun dijual. Would you loan more money to your brother in this case ?

    For people who think the outcome of the argument will be different if it is in Bahasa, wrong will not be betul. Corrupt cannot be jujur. Facts remain the same even if you argue in Swahili. Whether you lose RM32,000 or US$10,000 is the same.

    Frustrating Despair

  30. The "Chinese" in Malaysia are a heterogeneous group with all sorts of political ideologies and interests.

    We go all the way from strong BN supporters (the MCA guys who benefit from rent-seeking capitalism and the current corrupt system) to centrists, to liberals, to social democrats like myself, and to leftists who support political parties like Parti Sosialis Malaysia. Note that about 20% of the Chinese continue to support the BN.

    Don't let right-wing UMNO/Perkasa propagandists fool you into thinking that all Chinese are ogres who are out to deprive Malays of their rights. Not all Chinese are racists or narrow-minded chauvinists.

    We Malaysians have to go beyond racial stereotyping (propagated by self-serving politicians) and realise that all Malaysians of goodwill want a society that is not only fair to all but also extends a helping hand to the underprivileged and deprived of all ethnics groups (and that includes poor urban and poor rural Malays).

    Phua Kai Lit

  31. Phua Kai Lit,You said,"Don't let right-wing UMNO/Perkasa propagandists fool you into thinking that all Chinese are ogres who are out to deprive Malays of their rights."

    Deprive Malay RIGHTS???

    What Malay Rights? Where is it stated there is such a thing as MALAY RIGHTS????

    There are NO Malay Rights to deprive.

    NO ONE race in Malaysia was or is given any SPECIAL RIGHTS...not even the Malays.

    Go and read the Federal Constitution.

    UMNO is depriving the rights of Malaysians as taxpaying and law abiding citizens, that is for sure.

    Don't be brainwashed by UMNO's lies and propaganda to win Malay votes.

  32. Phua Kai Lit.

    Example, UMNO-led Federal Govt depriving the rights of Kelantanese people (majority Malays,and some Chinese, Indians ans Thais) of their oil royalties.

    So are the Trengganu people.

    This crap about Malay Rights is an UMNO lie and outright propaganda of falsehood.

  33. Dear Anonymous 17:52 and
    Anonymous 17:55 (I presume you are the same person),

    Calm down, don't get emotional.

    What about Article 153 of the
    Constitution? The text is listed in full in the wikipedia article on "Article 153 of the Constitution of Malaysia". Take a careful look at it.

    We (presumably this includes you)
    want to join with our progressive
    or fair-minded
    Malay (and other ethnic groups) fellow citizens to bring about progressive social change.
    Chinese/Indian/etc chauvinism
    is not going to help in this difficult quest.


    Phua Kai Lit

  34. Phua Kai Lit,

    R u saying that article153 of the Fed Constitution confers RIGHTS to the Malay M'sians?

    I'm dying to read yr interpretation.

    How about comparing yr 'understanding' about the article153 with Syahredzan Johan's Omong Dusta “Hak Melayu”?

    U r tracking into a VERY dangerous field that's r going to be exploit no end by that bigots from the perkasa gang. More so the choirboys of Deminegara, with their type4 scum background.

    R u unknowingly oil-ing the frame? Do 2x what u write b4 pressing the send button!

  35. Dear anonymous( so many of themm here),

    Allow me to clarify on issue of article 13.

    Constitution takes into account of facts on Malaya way back in 1956. The panel recognises that at eve of independent, Malaya was already a multi racial country.

    A big question at that time is what to do with the so called "immigrants" brought by British. They were the British protected people.

    AT THIS POINT, one action of unparalleled generosity by world standard was performed by Malay Rulers . They agreed to give citizenship to more than 1 million non Malays en bloc..

    Whereas, previously the land was exclusively owned by Malays, now Malays become a community within communities.

    TThe Lord Reid Commision recognises such fact. It recognises that long before the Brish came, the land was already known as Malay States. Recognition came with all treatiers made were with Malay rulers. No other races can speak on behalf of this land.

    This is a win-win position. Provisions specific for Malays are enshrined in the Constitution. word "Malay" appears for 54 times in Consitution while no word "Chinese or indians" appeard at all in the constitution.

    What are the provisions? That we all know in term of official position of Islam, bahasa melayu, Malay rulers, civil servants among other things.

    Are we all aware that Constitution specifically says that 4 out of 5 civil servants must be malays? And prominence is accorded to Malays in term of scholarship , specifically stated in Constitution.

    The point here is that Malay Rulers would not have wanted to give citizenship for free. Somethimg in return must be given to Malays.

    Fast forward to 2010. Many tend to ignore and start questioning the Constitution. The position of islam is questioned under guise of freedom.

    They choose to ignore the word of Constitution that "the practice of non islamic faith must not in any way inconvenience people of Islamic faith".

    The word "allah" is a classic example. Many non Muslims simply refuse to accept that for Muslims, sharing of them is tantamount to questioning the very essence of Islam.

    The word "allah" has different meaning to Muslims and to Christians. Sharing the name will eventually lead to confusion. What Confusion? Such as confuse on Whether God is one or Trinity Concept..
    It is not a language issue. It threatens the very foundation of religion.

    I am not a member of UMNO . But I concur with UMNO that allowing Christians to use the word will compromise the very meaning how Muslim view "Allah SWT".

    Someone here praises DAP rule in Penang. I am not so sure about that wqhen large numbers of Malays stall demolished. Of course "It is not racism" toi them. only if Chinese stalls demolished, them it is racism.

    Guan Eng has the habit of telling lies. in a debate with Koh tsu koon, he was embarassed as he was unable to answer Koh.

    The claim that UMNO's calling the shot is merely to discredit Gerakan. The truth is DAP wants to share nothing with Malay community.

    Gerakan cant deny the influence UMNO has with the Malays. That is the fact. As for no corruption in DAP, i am not sure about that. From what i see, mushrooming of "sex parlour" in selangor shows something is wrong. This is even questioned by wee Chee Keong, not UMNO.

    As for people who fond of asking whether you are malay first or UMNO, do not be hypocrite.

    If you are Malaysian first, why insist on vernacular school? Is that not Kit siang Chinese first?

  36. Dear anonymous( so many of themm here),

    Allow me to clarify on issue of article 13.

    Constitution takes into account of facts on Malaya way back in 1956. The panel recognises that at eve of independent, Malaya was already a multi racial country.

    A big question at that time is what to do with the so called "immigrants" brought by British. They were the British protected people.

    AT THIS POINT, one action of unparalleled generosity by world standard was performed by Malay Rulers . They agreed to give citizenship to more than 1 million non Malays en bloc..

    Whereas, previously the land was exclusively owned by Malays, now Malays become a community within communities.

    TThe Lord Reid Commision recognises such fact. It recognises that long before the Brish came, the land was already known as Malay States. Recognition came with all treatiers made were with Malay rulers. No other races can speak on behalf of this land.

    This is a win-win position. Provisions specific for Malays are enshrined in the Constitution. word "Malay" appears for 54 times in Consitution while no word "Chinese or indians" appeard at all in the constitution.

    What are the provisions? That we all know in term of official position of Islam, bahasa melayu, Malay rulers, civil servants among other things.

    Are we all aware that Constitution specifically says that 4 out of 5 civil servants must be malays? And prominence is accorded to Malays in term of scholarship , specifically stated in Constitution.

    The point here is that Malay Rulers would not have wanted to give citizenship for free. Somethimg in return must be given to Malays.

    Fast forward to 2010. Many tend to ignore and start questioning the Constitution. The position of islam is questioned under guise of freedom.

    They choose to ignore the word of Constitution that "the practice of non islamic faith must not in any way inconvenience people of Islamic faith".

    The word "allah" is a classic example. Many non Muslims simply refuse to accept that for Muslims, sharing of them is tantamount to questioning the very essence of Islam.

    The word "allah" has different meaning to Muslims and to Christians. Sharing the name will eventually lead to confusion. What Confusion? Such as confuse on Whether God is one or Trinity Concept..
    It is not a language issue. It threatens the very foundation of religion.

    I am not a member of UMNO . But I concur with UMNO that allowing Christians to use the word will compromise the very meaning how Muslim view "Allah SWT".

    Someone here praises DAP rule in Penang. I am not so sure about that wqhen large numbers of Malays stall demolished. Of course "It is not racism" toi them. only if Chinese stalls demolished, them it is racism.

    Guan Eng has the habit of telling lies. in a debate with Koh tsu koon, he was embarassed as he was unable to answer Koh.

    The claim that UMNO's calling the shot is merely to discredit Gerakan. The truth is DAP wants to share nothing with Malay community.

    Gerakan cant deny the influence UMNO has with the Malays. That is the fact. As for no corruption in DAP, i am not sure about that. From what i see, mushrooming of "sex parlour" in selangor shows something is wrong. This is even questioned by wee Chee Keong, not UMNO.

    As for people who fond of asking whether you are malay first or UMNO, do not be hypocrite.

    If you are Malaysian first, why insist on vernacular school? Is that not Kit siang Chinese first?

  37. Dear Anonymous 16:32

    Let me start by saying that I am a social democrat (or "democratic socialist" if you will) with respect to political ideology and
    I abhor all forms of racism (Perkasa and the rightwing of UMNO), chauvinism (e.g. certain elements within DAP) and ethnic-based nationalism (mainstream UMNO). I am working towards a Malaysia that is like the social democratic welfare states of Northern Europe.

    This debate about "special position" of the Malays as stated in the Constitution and "rights" is nothing but semantics.
    To me "special position" is not really different from "rights".
    (I'm a professsor of public health and not a professor of law or a lawyer who would debate fiercely over the difference between "special position" and "rights").
    If you don't like the word rights, let us replace it with "affirmative action" and "temporary special assistance to reduce social inequality (and defuse social tensions)".

    Let me ask you a question:
    Do you support affirmative action on the basis of class i.e. affirmative action for poor people? If so, what is wrong with affirmative action on the basis of ethnic group or gender? (Especially if a particular ethnic group is in a very bad situation vis-a-vis other ethnic groups?)
    What is wrong with affirmative action for the Orang Asli of West Malaysia? In Scandinavian countries, they do thing such as reserving 25% of all Parliament seats for women. This kind of affirmative action is perfectly acceptable to me. Is this gender-based affirmative action acceptable or unacceptable to you?

    The original aims of the NEP were good (remember that most Malays were poor farmers and fishermen then and the Malay middle class was small - mostly civil servants. Such a situation was untenable in the long run i.e. unequal distribution of income and wealth that coincides strongly with ethnicity)
    So the need for affirmative action on the basis of ethnicity through the NEP. It is just that subsequently, the NEP has been hijacked by the corrupt in UMNO/BN to enrich themselves. Don't forget that the corrupt include non-Malays from the MCA and the MIC who benefit from subcontracts and Ali-Baba type arrangements!)

    If you support affirmative action on the basis of class but oppose affirmative action for very deprived ethnic groups or affirmative action for women, you are being inconsistent.

    If you oppose all forms of affirmative action, then you can only belong to the "free market fundamentalist" camp who see nothing wrong with high degrees of social inequality arising from a capitalist market economy and who oppose all forms of govt action taken to reduce social inequality
    (such as income redistribution through taxation, affirmative action for specific group and so on).
    As a social democrat, I certainly oppose such a heartless political and social philosophy.


    Phua Kai Lit

  38. shamshul anuar’

    So many anons here – that include you? Pariah.

    Do remember each anon has an official time-stamp to uniquely identified them!

    ‘A big question at that time is what to do with the so called "immigrants" brought by British. They were the British protected people.

    AT THIS POINT, one action of unparalleled generosity by world standard was performed by Malay Rulers . They agreed to give citizenship to more than 1 million non Malays en bloc..’

    Prey shows some official documents to prove yr ‘vomits’! Talk is cheap. BS is TOTALLY FREE!

    Oh. btw Art has a much better expalnation on this claim, backed up by the Westminster's Hansrad records.

    ‘Whereas, previously the land was exclusively owned by Malays,’

    Wrong! Do remember the British is the colonial master, so legally they owned the lands that r under their jurisdictions. Yes? Same thing like u keep saying that the Malay owned the land in Malaysia NOW exclusively. Tell that also to the Orang Asli, pariah 2X!

    ‘Recognition came with all treatiers made were with Malay rulers. No other races can speak on behalf of this land.’

    Ye? Don’t fool yrself in that syok-sendiri glow! The signing of the trearies with the Malay rulers show how smart the British colonial master was with the Portuguese & Dutch. They knew that the Malay Malayans were feudalistic to the core. It was/is easier to deal with a few Malay elites rather than a bunch of ignoramus kampongfolks. Moreover, its easier to control the ‘heads’, who r greedy & uncaring, than the many follower-limbs who were blindly feudalistic to the Nth power.

    cont 2

  39. cont 2of2

    Remember Malayan Union? If not due to the protests of some enlightened Malay Malayans, the Malay Malayans would have been ‘sold’ for longer slavery by their ‘beloved’ sultans!

    ‘"Malay" appears for 54 times in Consitution while no word "Chinese or indians" appeard at all in the constitution.’

    So r the letter ‘the’ & it is properly appeared more than the word ‘Malay’! What say u – again wanted to argue on semantic? Pariah 3X!

    Remember this – repeat 100X – There was NEVER any QUID PRO QUO among the races with citizenship or any social contract for the formulation of the Fed Constitution. PERIOD. QUID PRO QUO means trade-of in layman’s term.

    Let me clarify for you WHY the term ‘Malay’ appeared 54 times – it was in recognition of the fact that Malay were backward in education, employment, business, and so they need assistance. That was the ’special position’ of the malays! Backwardness. And for the Agong to remedy that, if required, as the Agong sees it. The word ‘backward’ was not used in the constitution to give face lah!

    I'm tired of ALL yr stupidity rants. So about answering all yr other rubbishes let me quote Aston Paiva;

    ‘As far as Art 153 is concerned, I think the position of it as not being a “Right” is highlighted in the article itself.
    Article 153(7) stipulates:
    (7) Nothing in this Article shall operate to deprive or authorize the deprivation of any person of any right, privilege, permit or license accrued to or enjoyed or held by him…

    In that respect, this is consistent with Article 8 that every person in this country is equal before the law and deserve equal protection of the law.

    So there you have it. Talking history, ye? Explaining Fed Constitution ye? Pariah 4X!

  40. Dear Anonymous

    1. "Special position" versus "rights" is just semantics. Are you happier with "temporary assistance targetted at specific groups to reduce social inequality and to reduce social tension"?

    2. The other side may be unprincipled. We (all Malaysians of goodwill) don't have to copy them.

    3. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
    said that one of the deadly sins
    is "Politics without principles".
    No better example than one of our former Prime Ministers.

    4. Quote from Richard Sonnenfeldt, Chief Interpreter, Nuremberg Trials:
    "I made a discovery, all by myself, and the discovery was, that in order to serve a dictator for years, you have to be someone, who has no integrity, who has no pride, who has no conscience, who has no ideas of humanity above his own. You have to be a yes-man, who does everything for material gain or rank. So the discovery that these Nazis, who had been blown up into huge monsters, were such ordinary people, with no experience of the outside world, and no morals, was the greatest shock to me in Nuremberg."


    Phua Kai Lit

  41. Phua Kai Lit'

    So, u like labels!

    I don’t!

    In REAL lives, many of the definitions HAVE to be precise to the thot, in order for what they described to be able to function correctly & NOT been twisted to type4 scum's logics.

    There r many, whose nature r goods BUT romanticizing of humanistic &/or altruistic concepts put them into conceptual loops.

    U could be one of those. Anyway, my fight IS not with u. So keep to it if u like!

    What Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi & Richard Sonnenfeldt described r typically what I termed type4 scum & there r many among us.

    Romanticizing an utopian ideas is their best approach to twist FACTS into brain-washing weapons.

    Especially so like those ignoramuses Malay M’sians (educated &/or non-educated) buying the BTN idea of Malay generosity in granting citizenship to the Others M’sians.

    I sincerely hope that what u wrote WOULD NOT be twisted.

  42. samsu anuar,

    i just comment on the allah issue...i am not a christain, however i comment on this....

    allah is used by the bumiputera sabah and sarawak not the chinese or indian christians in semenanjung.

    So if you malays going to dictate the bumiputera sabah and sarawak what they can do and cannot do to them, i will say they will one day say we had enough and want to break away from Tanah melayu (Semenanjung Malaysia). You have to remember Sabah and Sarawak join Tanah melayu to for Malaysia.

    They dont really celebrate the 31 Aug as big as what they think of Hari Malaysia in Sept every year....

    Dont push Sabah and Sarawak towards Independence from the Malays.....

  43. S Anuar,

    you might think that malays are the tuan and Chinese Indians are 2nd and third class citizens, so be it. But dont treat the same with Sabah and Sarawak natives.....

    Ibans dayaks are known as head choppers long time ago....now what they all do is chop chicken head.....hahahahah

    Dont treat Borneo ppl very lowly..... they are the Bumiputera of Borneo....always remember that and dont force them in this Allah name usage issue which they have been using for hundreds of years....

  44. We are going down the drain???.Soon we will be truly Asia from the Bottom . Other countries below us are picking up and will overtake us in no time. South Korea China Indonesia and many asia countries have overtaken us. Ku Li called on the Najib administration to restore independenc...e in public institutions and to overhaul the education system and repeal “repressive laws” such as the Printing Presses Act, the Universities and Colleges Act, the Internal Security Act and the Official Secrets Act.“Confidence in the rule of law is a basic condition of economic growth,”
